I hope everyone had a beautiful Christmas and that you all have a happy New Year!!
I've been staying for the winter in a cabin in Vermont (an interesting story).While we are here, strange things began to happen and I began to write about it until it finally occurred to me that the more I was writing about it, the more things was happening!
Here is a small excerpt from what I have been working on at the time, in the image on the right. If you click on the image, it should enlarge.
Due to the many, many strange things that have happened to my family, I couldn't help but to search for a reason, to make sense of it all, for all the strangeness, when it finally hit me.
Anyone who knows me, knows I am Hermetic and live my life by it. And as such I have been studying Hermetics and Physics for a long time, almost 10 years really.
Throughout this, somehow I missed it. I entirely missed the cause of the strangeness in our lives.
I don't know if it was from the early trauma caused by “seeing terrifying things” that most people don't see or experience, if it came from a staunch Catholic lifestyle I lived prior for almost 30 years that conditioned me to believe anything was evil if it defied Christianity, or if I just wanted to believe that I and some of my kids were in fact “Indigo” and that somehow we had some kind of mystifying ability not shared by most people.
Either way, I figured it out.
I guess it took spending time away in a cabin, in an unfamiliar place, in unfamiliar surroundings and the strange events that got us here, to begin my journey to uncover the truth, even though I had been living the strangeness for so long. What I uncovered is profound and I am now writing about it on another blog.
Those links will take you to the new blog and the first one; to the story that will explain what took me so long to figure out and the 2nd one will take you to how I used one of the stories from my book that helps to kind of piece it together.
You'll find more, other interesting stories from my unusual life there as well. On the new blog is also a form if you would like to contact me directly if you have any questions.
It would serve you well to know, that when I eventually figured this out and stopped writing about the strangeness in the cabin, the strangeness stopped completely.
We were all (including my elder mom and our 3 dogs) experiencing such disturbing things from the second night we were in the cabin. It wasn't until I stopped writing about it, that it all stopped and has ceased to happen since and we have been here for a couple of months.
The new blog explains how and why these things were happening and provides free information for anyone who wants to learn how to create / manifest what they want in their life, and how to avoid creating / manifesting the things that we encountered; the unwanted.
As I wrote on my new blog, I have been able to create over $12,000.00 in extra cash in less than 3 months from Oct. to Dec. 2022, plus a free cabin. Prior to this, I created $10,000.00 that I keep rolled up in an elastic in the back of my junk draw in my kitchen.
But, this is only because I have been able to direct my focus and sensing in a different direction.
I have learned how to control and direct my focus and senses on the things that I want, rather than being out of control of it and creating the strangeness and all of the things that haunted us.
In the end, some people have a natural inclination toward this and they can create things without much effort, and some people can learn to do it and others will have a difficult time. I think some of my kids and I happen to fall into the former group. I just needed to learn how to guide it.
If you are interested, you can visit my new blog by clicking here