Now, it is 2009. In October we had moved out of our farm and into a ranch in Bow, NH. Hopefully leaving the demonic forces behind. My oldest daughter is now married, my second daughter is in college, my third daughter will be turning eighteen in eight months, my youngest daughter will be sixteen and my youngest son will be turning eleven, four months after we move into the new house.
(Back story can be found in my book "No One Would Believe It" titled "The Epitome of Strange)"
My husband and I are business owners of an IT company, and so we were pretty busy as this point.
On May 19, 2009 my husband received a phone call just past supper time.
I remember this because it was late in the afternoon and we were both sitting on our bed when the call came in.
It was an employee of one of our clients claiming that the server was down and she needed him to go out and fix it. The business that required help was not a 24/7 business that was calling for help, so my husband tried providing the woman with phone support to walk her through the process of fixing the issue, but no matter what he told her to do, she just couldn't fix the problem.
My husband rolled his eyes at me and shook his head, and he told her that he would be out first thing in the morning to fix it.
After hanging up, my husband told me that she was not happy about his decision, she pushed for him to go out immediately despite that her office was closed, but he insisted that he would go in the morning. It was not considered an urgent problem, as would have been if her office was one of our doctor or dental offices.
The office she worked for was a tiny non-profit office that had maybe 4 or 5 work stations total. It wasn't a big deal.
My husband had remarked to me that this woman had been a pain in his ass, was kind of on the weird - out there side, and had to be an idiot to not be able to do what he was telling her to do over the phone. The next day, my husband got up, took his shower, got dressed and out the door he went to fix the problem from the night earlier.
On his way out the door, he kissed me, he put a cross on my forehead like we all do and said: “I'll see you and the kids at the office later”. Often times, the kids and I would go to the office after I picked them up from school.
Today, May 20, 2009 would be different and it would change our lives forever. I just didn't know it at the time.
I got home from picking the kids up and the red light on my answering machine was blinking, meaning there were messages.
I played back the messages, but there was only three calls of someone breathing, like labored breathing and making weird noises. I looked at the caller ID and it only showed calls placed from my husband's cell phone.
But, I thought it was a fluke, perhaps prank calls that were not logged on the caller ID, and I didn't think much of it because I did not receive any calls from my husband on my cell phone.
I immediately tried calling my husband to no avail. So, we went to the office as planned but he wasn't there. I called him again and again but he didn't answer and he never called me back. So, of course now I'm getting worried.
The kids and I drove back home to our house in Bow, got out of the car and went in and literally ten minutes later, my husband pulled into the garage.
He came into the house and immediately headed for the bedroom. I followed him and asked him if everything was OK.
He said yes, that he was just tired and needed to sleep. It was really odd. Not that he headed for the bedroom, but because he literally went directly to sleep. I understood why he would be tired, the poor guy was running our business and despite my protests; working a 3rd shift job in Lexington Mass on the weekends.
So, it was quite reasonable that he was tired.
That man slept for two days getting up only to go to the bathroom and to drink water.
I kept checking on him, but at the time, I figured that all of the work he was doing was finally catching up to him.
When he finally woke up, woke up, he and I had driven together to Concord to stop at one of his clients dental office.
Upon driving home we were heading up Logging Hill Rd in Bow and just as we passed the elementary school, my husband said something very spontaneous and quite disturbing to me.
He said; “Hey hun, when we go through with our suicide pact, I'll be sure to add these people, and he pointed to the school to my list and take them out too". I was completely taken back by this, and I asked him to reiterate what he had just said.
Suicide pact? Adding people to his list? What list? This made absolutely no sense. If you knew my husband, this was not something he would ever come out with. Could I have heard him wrong, I thought?
No, he repeated it, and when he saw my reaction he said, “I'm just kidding, as if I would take anyone out or even have a list”.
OK, but what about a suicide pact? I said. He said, “Hun, I'm just kidding, it was a joke”.
I swear to God, this was the very first very peculiar thing that I noticed, that would become a part of extremely unusual behavior by my husband before the culmination of extraordinary, life altering events.
We got home, there I am still thinking about what he said. We went into the bedroom to change and I asked him again about what he had said in the car and … He had zero memory of it.
I shit you not, the man refused to believe what he had said to me only ten minutes earlier.
This wasn't a "I'm going to pretend I never said it" kind of thing, he was completely confused. That night, I made a nice Lasagna dinner with salad and freshly baked dinner rolls.
We were all sitting around the table and my husband says to one of the kids; “Hey, pass me the talking stick would ya”. We all stopped and kind of looked at him, and he said; “you know, the talking stick, my turn to talk, get it?" The kids thought it was funny and it was passed off as him just being silly.
At the time, I did not realize on any level, the importance of what he just said until a couple of weeks later.
Now, it was Sunday night and my husband had asked me to drive him to Lexington Mass for his weekend 3rd shift job. He was tired and wanted to sleep on the way. I agreed and my youngest daughter wanted to come for the drive. I would drive back in the morning to pick him up when his shift was done. My husband asked me to put on “white noise” on the radio so he could sleep.
My youngest daughter and I had made him a comfy bed in the way back of the SUV so he would have more room to sleep.
He climbed into his make shift bed and he said; “Hun, I'm sorry that I have you and (he said my youngest daughters name) out here on a Sunday driving me to work, you guys should be all comfy and cozy, in our home, you don't deserve this” he said. He then asked if I could wake him when we got off the exit to his work and I agreed.
I didn't mind taking him, at least I could make him comfortable before he went into work was my thought. I kissed him and put a cross on his head (our family always did this with each other), he curled up to go to sleep and I got in the drivers seat and started my trek to Lexington Mass.
We got off the exit to his work and I began waking him, calling his name. He finally sat up as we arrived in the parking lot to his work.
He got out of the SUV and gave both my daughter and I a kiss and a cross on the forehead and sad; “drive safe, be aware of your surroundings and call me when you get home”. As usual I said ; “OK Hun I will” and we waited for him to get inside the building before leaving.
I don't know, I'm like that whether it be him or my kids. I always wait until they get in wherever I would bring them.
On third shift, aside of one maintenance person, my husband would be the only other person in this dark, three story building.
We watched him go through the door (it was a glassed in entryway on the first floor). From the glassed entryway, you could see all of the way up to the second floor to the top of the stairs. What my husband did when he entered the building, was very disturbing. Frightening really.
My youngest daughter and I saw my husband swipe his company ID card to get into the building and he started to walk up the stairs when something suddenly terrified him. He almost fell back down the stairs, he fell back into the door that he just walked through, which was now closed behind him and he pushed his body, like squished it up against the wall with his arms extended on both sides of his body, as if to flatten himself against the wall.
He had the look of absolute terror on his face as if something was coming down the stairs at him. But there was nothing there.
My youngest daughter and I began yelling to him, yelling and yelling and when he finally heard us, he looked at us confused as if he didn't know who we were.
I started to get back out of the SUV when all of a sudden, he lifted his arm and waved us to leave with an angry look on his face.
I didn't want to leave, to me it seemed like he was seeing something that we couldn't see, but he just kept waving us on to leave. What the hell was that I thought? If I didn't know any better, I would have believed that my husband was hallucinating something.
So, we left. But, as soon as I took the on ramp to go home, I called him to ask what had just happened. My husband again had zero memory of what had just happened and he now believed that I was trying to make him think that he was losing his mind.
He literally had no memory of what he just did. Over the phone, he was clearly upset and told me that there was no way he would have done that, asked me why I thought he would even do that, and if he did, he definitely would have remembered.
After this incident, and he is now home, my husband would arbitrarily ask me things like if I still loved him, if I thought the kids loved him. He was coming out with odd questions and making strange statements.
A couple of days had gone by and I was sitting on the bed putting socks on and my husband was emptying his pockets onto the bureau when he said; “Hey hun, I just want you to know that I'm sick in a way that no doctor can help me”.
I asked him what he meant and I told him that we needed to get him to a doctor because he was really worrying me. He told me that he had been shitting slime green, like sludge for over a week, and that he knows his memory is rapidly going.
He told me that he couldn't go to a doctor because they would think that he was crazy (my husband didn't like to go to any doctor, and he always feared mental health doctors especially ). I told him that we needed to at least find out why he was shitting slime if anything, because it wasn't normal. But, he would not agree to go to the doctor even when I begged him.
I made dinner as usual and when it came time for bed, he said to me; “ Hun, if I end up in a wheel chair drooling on myself, will you stay with me and take care of me or will you take the kids and leave me?”
I was really concerned for him, but I told him; “ Hun, till death do us part, you know this”. I then kissed him good night and put a cross on his head.
God as my judge, I did not know that, that would be the last time that I would kiss, see or speak to the man who I knew and who I had been married to for almost 30 years, I woke the next morning, it is now June 20, 2009 and my husband was no where to be found.
I tried calling him to no avail. So, I have no idea at what time he left or why he left. During my calls to find him which seemed like an hour, he came home, into the house from the garage and frantically began packing his things in a brown paper bag saying that he had to get his things and leave.
I'm in a tizzy, worried about him and trying to talk to him about what is going on, but it was like talking to a complete stranger. He was accusing me of beating him and my children for years and that he needed to get out and to be in a healthy situation.
When I tell you that I had no idea of what was going on, that was putting it mildly.
He then went and grabbed our young son and told him to pack his things. He told our son that he would never see his mother again, he couldn't because his mother has been abusing all of them and he needed to quickly take him away from the abuse. now before it was too late. My young son began to cry and said he wanted his mother, but my husband forced him by the neck, into the garage and into his car, saying now he didn't need to pack anything, that they had to leave now.
I'm completely frantic, trying to get to my son, not understanding what was going on, and my son is now screaming for me like someone chopped his arm off.
My husband starts saying that I wouldn't understand. He said that an angel came to him and told him that he had no choice but to leave. And, he sped off.
Oh my God, we have been married for almost 30 years, were a catholic church going, Rosary praying family, my husband who never believed in divorce, I had never slapped my kids or my husband let alone abuse them. No, I knew something was terribly wrong.
I placed at least ten calls to my husband with no response, everything happened so fast, I was in a whirl wind.
I finally placed my last call to him, I left him a message telling him that if he did not bring my son home to me immediately, that my son will be brought home by the police. I didn't know what else to do. I demanded that he call me ASAP or I was calling the police.
My husband immediately had my son call me to tell me that he was coming back home and he did, he literally dropped him off in the driveway and sped away.
From here, I did not know what to do about my husband or how to help him. I knew something was terribly wrong, but I was at a complete loss.
After my son was dropped back off, I got him settled in, comforted him and let him know everything will be OK, I got him a snack and I put Sponge Bob on for him.
I knew that my husband was acting odd, he was coming out with and making strange statements and later not remembering, he was shitting slime green sludge, he was hallucinating and later not remembering. What was going on? Whatever this was, it's onset was rapid.
To me, something had happened. Could someone have done something to him and he not remember that too? I started a thorough investigation, starting with phone records to see if there was any phone numbers that I didn't recognize, new numbers or people that he had met. I knew something was terribly wrong, but I couldn't help but remember May 20, 2009 and the phone calls that my husband had made home on our answering machine of labored breathing and making noises and how I couldn't reach him the whole day.
And I remembered how my husband had our “house” phone number as #1 on his speed dial in his cell phone because my cell phone at that time had such poor reception in Bow.
So, maybe something happened to him on May 20th and in panic he hit #1 on his cell phone as an emergency call to me and because I wasn't home, he was trying to leave a messages for help. I was going nuts trying to figure out what was going on with my husband. None of this was normal.
I started right there in May 2009 on the phone records (his cell phone and the house phone records) and I went in both directions forward and backward and I found some things that would lead me down a seriously disturbing path.
What you are about to read is absolutely, 100% true and accurate.
It is all documented in court documents, in statements, in phone records, texts, FB postings,
flyers and in email.
I say that at this point due to the substance of what you are about to read.
No one would ever believe that this could happen, but it did.
It was no secret that my husband and I had money, our kids were all in private schools and enrolled in Karate, our house was valued at $750K, we both drove a newer SUV and he a 5 series BMW. We had put in a sport court for the kids, we were blessed. He could easily take trips to China to train with Monks. We were comfortable and he didn't need his job in Lexington, Mass. He chose it because he was always fearful that our abundance could change and he wanted a good life for all of us.
Well, do you remember the woman who had practically begged my husband to go out to her office to fix a server issue after closing?
The woman he said was a pain in his ass, a weirdo and who had to be an idiot?
One of the first things that I had noticed was a new phone number attached to a text message on the phone records. This phone number was not a number that had been anywhere on any of our phone records, I certainly did not recognize it and it wasn't a client. I googled the number and found that the same woman who begged my husband to go fix her server, had texted him.
I knew it was from her, from her name that I found online through her phone number. The text message read: “Please, please join us tonight, please tell me that you are coming?”, "You can't just keep saying no".
My husband's response to that text is as follows: “ Thank you for the many invites, but I really need to decline”.
I found out on google that she was a native American Shaman and she was hosting native American “Talking circles” at her home in Salisbury NH and at a Hypnosis Studio in Concord NH.
Now it made sense to me when my husband said to the kids; “Pass the talking stick”. He was joking about these circles that this woman was desperately trying to get him to attend.
This begs the questions why was she trying so hard to get my husband to go to her circles? Why my husband?
This woman hosted these “Talking circles” and on every night that she held them beginning in April 2009, she would call my husband from her employers office.
When I saw the number of calls placed from this clients office and matched them each to the dates the woman held her circles, it became clear; this must be what my husband meant when he said she was a pain in the ass I thought.
Her employer, a small non profit which was our client rarely called us, this was in their contract because they couldn't afford full time IT service and didn't need it, so, they would only call once a month if needed and it was always the supervisor that would call, not an employee.
Come to find out, the woman was hosting these "circles" with some old, dirty looking big bellied guy who was teaching native American traditions, was a self proclaimed storyteller, and holding his own native American “ceremonies”. I had noticed that just before she had began contacting my husband, on FB she had openly contacted this dirty looking guy and she told him that she had “someone” who they could use their circles on and that she wanted to have the circles at her house and the hypnosis studio.
The old grubby guy agreed. I now suspected that she was referring to my husband as the "someone" who they could use the circles "on". But what does the “on” in her messages mean?
How do you use a talking circle "on" someone I wondered?
I remembered one day, in early May my husband and I went grocery shopping together at Market Basket on Forte Eddy Rd. in Concord.
When we got to the produce section, a dirty looking, fat, old man came over and approached my husband as if he had known him or had met him before, because he said “Hey (and he used my husbands name) remember me?”, “How have you been?”.
At that time, my husband quickly directed this dirty old guy away from me, which wasn't so unusual given how protective of me and his kids he used to be.
My husband had a fast conversation with him before returning to me.
When he came back over to me, I asked my husband who “that guy was” because this guy was not someone that my husband would normally hang around with and I knew he wasn't a client. It seemed odd to me. The guy was dirty looking, grubby and creepy and he had what was probably at one time a white beard but it was yellow dingy looking.
My husband said; “ He's nobody that I want you or my family around”, “ He's no one”.
I didn't think much of it at the time and I blew it off. Big mistake on my end as you will see.
From what I could gather, through research, these two people, the woman from the office (who was a native American Shaman) and this grubby old fat man (who was a storyteller and taught native American tradition and ceremonies) had been repeatedly pestering my husband to join their circles as they had planned, but my husband kept refusing.
Then together, it seems that they created a plan...
There was never a “server” that went down, when she called about needing help when her office was closed. The woman was trying to get my husband out to her for another reason. (I might mention here that I would later find out that running into the grubby old fat guy at Market Basket was no coincidence).
I remembered that my husband went out to fix the alleged server issue the following day on May 20, 2009 and had left our house at almost 10:00am.
I saw that Phone records indicated that the woman was calling my husband from our clients office beginning at 10:15am and repeatedly all the way until 10:30am.
My husband must have arrived at her office after 10:30am. And beginning just before 11am, my husband had left three messages on our “house” phone of heavy breathing and making noises, he was unreachable all day and slept for days after he got home.
I then noticed another phone number that I was able to trace back, to that dirty, old fat man through googling the phone number, that he had placed a number of calls to my husband beginning twenty minutes before my husband finally came home. I suspected that because they had tried so hard to get my husband to attend their circles, and that they had targeted my husband between them, that they did something to my husband.
Clearly, this was why he was shitting green slime sludge, making odd statements, why he said his memory was rapidly going and why he was hallucinating. But, what did they do and why did they do it specifically to him?
Mind you, that I had no contact with my husband after he left in June 2009, absolutely none (I still haven't and its 2022).
One month after he made those calls home on May 20, 2009, after he was exhibiting strange, alarming behavior, asking if his family still loved him, if I would leave him if he ended up in a wheel chair drooling on himself, hallucinating, shitty slime green sludge and stating that his memory was rapidly declining, and stating that he was sick in a way that no doctor could help him, my husband left because an angel told him to on June 20, 2009 And I have had no contact with him since.
It wasn't until I was able to track down the woman's address in Salisbury NH (which was public information plastered on online flyers that she had created for her Talking circles ) that on a whim, I took a ride to try and locate my husband.
Sure enough, that was where my raised strict Catholic, pray the Rosary, protective of his family husband of 30 years and who never believed in divorce, was suddenly staying.
He was staying at the woman house, the woman who kept hounding him to go to her circles, and who he said was a pain in his ass and had to be an idiot not to be able to follow his instructions.
The next thing I know, our household bills stopped being paid, I received a letter indicating that I could no longer have access to our banks accounts and my husband had filed for divorce, and in court documents claimed that we had been planning on getting a divorce for a long time which couldn't be any further from the truth.
After being locked out of our bank accounts, I was now being legally accused of taking over $22,000, then $24,000, then $26,000 from the accounts I had been locked out of, and legally being accused of assaulting the woman (whom I had never even met) and I was legally being accused of stalking her for weeks, after my SUV had been repossessed and I had no car.
She literally filed a bunch of false police reports against me which took me months to clear my name and to get them all dismissed.
I had never even met this woman. I had only recently found out about her, Why was she making up so many lies about me? This was happening, all during a time that we lost our home, lost my SUV and we (my two younger kids and I) were living on the floor in my mom's one bedroom apt in Derry eating peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast lunch and dinner because I had no money, and we are all suffering severe emotional trauma trying to figure out what happened so quickly that changed our lives so drastically.
Then it finally occurred to me: thousands of dollars missing? False accusations and police reports?
Now its all beginning to make sense... $ MONEY $
They had targeted my husband because of our money. But, what exactly did they do to my husband?
More on what they did to him shortly, because I feel compelled to explain everything before hand since I was met with nothing but bullshit from anyone I contacted every single time I tried to get help for my husband.
Believe it or not, during all of the hearings, it was the woman who the marital master (who has since been disrobed) had allowed to fill out and notarized all of OUR financial documents for the court and SPEAK FOR my husband at the hearings etc., all while I was jumping up and down trying to get help for him and pointing out that something had happened to him caused by her. Is that not the most absurd thing?
Why couldn't my husband speak for himself? Why would the marital master allow this woman to be the one to fill out and notarize our financials?
We were married for almost 30 years, he's having hallucinations, leaves his wife and kids because an angel told him to, thousands of dollars are missing from our bank accounts, he suddenly moves in with a strange woman who was hounding him for weeks to join her Talking circles. He leaves alarming messages on our answering machine, suddenly moves in with this strange woman and the court allows HER to speak for him, and to fill out, notarize and submit OUR financials for the court.
To me, this made no sense. There was nothing I could do.
My first lawyer (who my mom paid for) was paid off to forfeit discovery and to “lose” other documents. I found this out through my second lawyer who, after being my lawyer for one month had to quit because he and his family started receiving threats. So, now solo in court, I had to change my focus from trying to get help for my husband, to do some research to find out what it was that they did to him.
These people had control of our bank accounts, all of our passwords to everything, his cell phone, my husbands personal and business email accounts etc. They literally had complete control over him and he lacked the mental capacity to know it.
They basically poisoned him, abducted him and they were making decisions for him. He lacked any ability to realize it and I was collecting evidence that would prove what they did.
Bizarre right? Oh it gets better. The strangeness just continues... My third oldest daughter, her boyfriend at the time, my youngest daughter and my son were all home with me during this time one night in Bow and before we had to move out. My daughter's boyfriend did not believe in super natural things, he just did not believe in any of that kind of stuff.
So, when my daughter would tell him stories about what we had experienced in our old house, he insisted that there was a rational explanation.
Since living in Bow and before my husband had left, we did not experience any of the demonic things that we had previously experienced. It was actually quite nice not to have to be worried all of the time about something that could suddenly appear to scare you.
Well, we were all sitting in the living room watching “House” together when out of nowhere the kitchen cabinets started opening and closing faster and faster.
Just then, the house phone rang. It was my oldest daughter. She said; “Ma, its on it's way to your house, it just left my house”, to which I replied; “It's already here”.
In a matter of seconds, my house went from all of us calmly watching “House” to a chaotic nightmare.
Kitchen cabinets slamming, the lights turning on and off, our Bible and nick knacks went flying off the fireplace mantle across the room. My third oldest daughter was tossed onto the hassock with her body across it bending toward the ceiling like a back bend, my youngest daughter screaming for it to all stop and my son panicking because he felt like he was stuck to the wall and being strangled.
It was total chaos and my daughters boyfriend was going in circles yelling that we had to leave now!
We all grabbed the blankets that were in the living room (throw blankets) and jumped into two vehicles and left for my mom's apartment in Derry, NH.
Of course I called her on our way and told her what was going on. We got there and stayed to my recollection, two days. However, the day after we got there, I felt that I needed to go back to get some clothes and food (I couldn't expect my mom to feed all of us) but my kids and my daughter's boyfriend did not want me to go alone.
So, he offered to come with me and he did.
When we got into the house, the house was a complete mess. There was stuff just tossed around and knocked over everywhere.
It was so cold (this was July 2009) you could see your breath in the air and the air felt heavy. It was awful. It didn't even feel like my home, I was so uncomfortable being there.
My daughters boyfriend told me to quickly grab what I needed, he didn't like being there either and he walked with me down the hallway and to the bedrooms and helped me to get what we needed.
We left to go back to my mom's but I knew in the back of my mind that at some point, we would need to come back.
We couldn't just stay at my mom's so I dreaded that thought and for a time dismissed it from my mind.
We ended up staying at my mom's for two days and decided to return to my house in Bow. My daughter's boyfriend and I decided that we would set up my video camera on a tripod in the corner of the living room, to get a new battery for the camera because the one that was in it was old, and to just keep it running hoping to catch anything if it happened again because God knows, no one would believe it.
We got a new battery, set the camera up on its tripod and turned it on to record. Everything was going fine up until about 6pm.
The kitchen cabinets started slamming again, the lights began to shut on and off and the camera went up in smoke and fell over. Literally. The video camera was burned up. We all left again to go to my mom's, we couldn't stay in the house any longer. I'm on the phone with my oldest daughter while we are on our way to Derry and she says; “Ma, its OK, you can go back now, its gone”.
Of course I said; “Hell no, I'm not putting your little sister and brother through that again” and my daughter told me again it was gone. I didn't feel confident enough to go home so we stayed again at my mom's for another two days.
Eventually when we went home, it really was gone. We had no problems with this thing ever again.
I was relieved, but it was odd how quickly it left and never bothered us again after being bothered by this thing for years.
But the craziness doesn't actually stop there...
One night now in August 2009, after hearing nothing from my husband for weeks on end, I received an email from who I had reason to believe was from my husband because it was from his email. The email read: “I'm coming by tonight to get the rest of my things”. (This was before my SUV was repossessed and before I lost my home)
So, I'm happy that I finally heard something from him, I emailed him back asking what time was he going to come by. But, I received no response.
At that point, I took my younger kids out to McDonalds for a shake. A little treat for them to kill some time thinking I did not want my kids to see their father moving the rest of his things out of the house and I had no idea what time he was coming.
As we left McDonalds on Main St in Concord NH I decided to go get gas. So, I was on Main St heading toward Penacook to get gas at Cumberland Farm's also on Main St in Concord.
I got gas and took a left out of the parking lot onto Main St. heading back toward the direction of McDonald's.
We got to the down town area (only a couple seconds from Cumberland Farms) after stopping at the traffic lights) and both my youngest daughter and I see my husbands car parked in front of a Hypnosis studio.
This was extremely odd, because the owner of the Hypnosis studio used to also own a place in Concord on Main St., some new age, occult store and she was a previous Demonologist, who also studied Shamanism. Apparently, according to FB she was very good friends with the woman who my husband was now living with or I really should say; abducted by.
It was extremely odd however because not too long into the past, my youngest daughter was always intrigued by the occult like store. She would beg her father and I to let her go into the store. My husband would always tell her to stay away because he believed it to be an “evil” store that sold evil, occult like things. But, that's how my husband was. He wouldn't even allow my kids when they were younger to watch the movie “The Secret Garden” because the kids as part of the movie at some point were in a circle chanting.
And, he wouldn't allow my kids to buy “Sketches” shoes because a commercial had an upside down cross in it.
This was why this was all the more so shocking to see his car there.
When we saw his car, I pulled over to the right side of Main St. to park. As I parked, the kids and I saw my husband and the woman who he was now living with coming out of the Hypnosis studio hand in hand.
Oh my God I thought. What the hell is going on here? Why is my husband coming out of a hypnosis studio?
I know my husband, he did not like hypnotist or anything to do with hypnosis. I remember one night a year or so ago, going to a fair with another couple. At the fair there was a hypnotist asking the audience for someone to volunteer to be hypnotized.
My friend, knowing my husband, jokingly said to him; "you should go up and volunteer", to which my husband replied there was no way he would volunteer for that. He continued; " why would anyone trust a stranger to hypnotize them, the way the world is today?', "Absolutely not".
My friend made fun of him in a joking way, and we left the hypnosis stand or area, whatever you want to call it, to go get sausage, green pepper and onion subs.
So, I knew my husband would in no way be at a hypnosis studio, not willingly anyway, there was just no way.
So, my youngest daughter and I got out of my SUV (my son stayed in the car) and we walked over to my husband who didn't initially seem to recognize us, then became hostile and put his fists up to fight … our youngest daughter!! It was heartbreaking and really hard to watch.
How could he do this to his own daughter, his own family I thought? But, there was just nothing there in his eyes. Just blankness.
When he did this to my daughter, I stepped in front of my daughter to protect her and when he raised his fist like he was going to hit me, I punched him square in the face, knocking his glasses off and one of his teeth out.
No one would believe this. I would never, ever normally hit my husband, but I'm not going to sit back and allow him to attack me or my daughter either.
This whole time, the woman had taken a seat on the curb in front of his car. She literally just sat there as if nothing was going on.
If I were her, I probably would have tried to stop what was going on, at least question what was going on, or question why the guy you are with is attacking a young girl. Maybe ask who we even were? My pulse definitely would have been moving quickly, I know that much.
No, she casually walked over to the curb, sat down and watched, completely calm, having no reaction.
I grabbed my daughter and we literally walked backwards away from my husband who was clearly out of his mind, and I did not want to have my back facing him. We walked back into my truck and found my son hiding and sobbing on the floor in the back, terrified of his father. He thought his father was going to come after him next. Absolutely heartbreaking.
We both comforted him and reassured him that nothing was going to happen and we drove back home.
My husband never showed up to the house, so, on a whim, I went online and created a fake email address and I googled the Hypnosis studio and found their email address.
I emailed them because I wanted their IP address to see if I could match it to the IP address in the email my husband sent me that indicated he was coming over to get the rest of his things.
I did this for a reason.
Sure enough, the next day I received a response email from the Hypnosis studio and I was able to match their IP address to the IP address in the email my husband sent me.
So, he in fact was at the hypnosis studio at the time that he or someone in his email, emailed me stating that he was coming over.
It then occurred to me that I received that email because whoever sent the email to me from my husband's account, knew I had no contact with my husband and that I would stay home waiting to be able to finally see and talk to him if I knew he was coming home to get his things.
I believe they did this to keep me home, knowing that they would be in Concord and at the hypnosis studio with him instead of in Salisbury. They didn't want to risk me finding out that they were there with my husband, if by chance I happened to drive by, which ironically I ended up doing anyway.
The day I was able to match the IP addresses to the email, I went to the court and filed a motion to include the information that I discovered, which unknown to me at the time, would automatically make this woman a party to our case and she would be notified. In my filing, I did not include any evidence to support my claims. As far as the court was and this woman, after being notified were concerned, it was simply an accusation made by me.
Upon being notified, the woman immediately filed a statement indicating that she had just met my husband, she doesn't hold Native Talking circles, and neither she or my husband had EVER been to the Hypnosis Studio.
Of course this is an out right lie. So, why is she lying about it if she had nothing to hide, right?
Another question; why is she lying about holding Native Talking circles, if she has nothing to hide?
Especially when I have a flyer that she created that not only indicates that she was in fact holding Native Talking circles at her home and at the hypnosis studio, but I have one specifically indicating that on the same night that she and my husband were leaving the hypnosis studio, she was holding a Native Talking circle.
I also had FB messages indicating that the woman and the grubby old man were planning on using them "on" someone, whatever that meant. And now I had a FB message between the woman and the grubby, old man for this specific circle, when he tells the woman that he will bring the "herbs and tobacco".
But, neither the court or she know that I have this evidence, yet.
So at this point... This woman who had never met me, had previously filed false police reports against me, she had no reaction when watching my husband get into a fighting stance against his own young daughter, she lied to the court about holding her "circles" and she's lying to the court about being at the hypnosis studio.
My husband had been making strange statements, yet having no memory of them, shitting slime green sludge, hallucinating and having no memory of hallucinating, claims there is something wrong with him that no doctor can fix, he said his memory was rapidly going, then he suddenly leaves because an angel told him to, accuses me of abusing him and the kids. Then has no contact with me at all after moving in with the woman, and goes and files for divorce and we have thousands of dollars missing.
It now becomes obvious that my husband somehow had eaten, drank or ingested something that had caused him to shit green slime sludge, make peculiar statements and to hallucinate. Herbs and Tobacco perhaps?
If my husband kept declining to go to the woman's circles, then obviously she was able to do something to my husband somehow. And that is were May 20, 2009 comes into play, the day he tried to call home and left messages of labored breathing and noises. The day he went out to fix the server issue that she alleged the night before.
The fact that the woman (who I never met) was filing false police reports and lying about everything makes sense now. She's trying to hide something right? and she's trying to paint a bad picture of me on paper, to use in court, hence her false reports. I say that because she kept trying to bang on those false police reports despite that they were all dismissed.
So I go and file my response to her bullshit lies, we have a hearing and the marital master said..."none of it mattered".
Huh? I've been trying to get help for my husband, thousands of dollars are being stolen from us, my husband is out of his mind and making extremely strange decisions, not to mention this woman blatantly lied in a court filings and filed false police reports!
No, the marital master insisted that none of it mattered.
She refused to allow me to present my evidence or to even look at any of it. She said the most she could do was court order both my husband and myself for a drug test, a physical and psych evaluation. And she did. But guess what?
I went and did what I was court ordered to do, but my husband did not AND the marital master yet again said during the next hearing; it doesn't matter. So, what was the point of the court order?
She was either paid off too, or she just didn't want to do her job. It was getting that ridiculous.
OK, so I did more research and found that in NH, one must be licensed to provide herbs etc. to anyone outside of their own family. I went and got a letter from the licensing board that said the woman was not licensed.
This law was put in place for a reason, and the RSA states the reason a license is required because people can be hurt by the use of certain plants and herbs. The marital master yet again; "It doesn't matter, we are here for a divorce proceeding".
I told her that I had come to her before this became a divorce proceeding, to get help for my husband, and nothing was done then either. She literally ignored me and went on to discuss the divorce proceedings with everyone who was in the court room.
This woman, a marital master wearing an honored black robe, failed my family on so many levels and for two years. Then, when it came to my husband having to pay child support and alimony, he wouldn't or I should say the woman who was in control of everything wouldn't. He was court ordered to, but just wouldn't pay. The money was going somewhere, just not to his family.
Eventually (after several hearings) he (or she) started to actually pay ½ of what he was court ordered to pay. But, it was only being paid every other month or two. Again, where was the rest of it going? Probably with the other thousands of dollars that were missing too, would be my guess.
By the second to last hearing for our divorce, he was in arrears by thousands of dollars. Guess what the good ole marital master did? The clown zeroed out what he owed in child support.
Tell me that's normal. It's been over and done with for a long time now, I'm not angry about it anymore, but it was the principle of the thing or should I say the strangeness of all of it.
When it came to alimony, three months earlier, the woman who my husband was now living with was arguing (for my husband) that I was not entitled to any alimony (despite our almost 30 year marriage).
At that time, the marital master “took a book off of her shelf and read the law out loud to the court room and indicated that I was entitled to alimony and I was entitled to continue living the life I had been accustom to.
This was the first time that I thought that this marital master was finally going to be fair to me. Fast forward three months and at the next hearing, the marital master said that I was entitled to alimony, but now that she has received “updated” financials (filled in and notarized again by the woman) that indicated that my husband was now “DESTITUTE”, I would receive minimal alimony and only for 1 year.
She completely skirted the law that she herself previously quoted, she completely ignored all of the blatant lies that I tried to prove were lies. I guess all a self employed person has to do is submit a profit and loss in an excel spreadsheet for 3 months, filled out by a proven liar and notarized by the same liar; the woman who had been lying in court and hiding everything she could from the court.
Apparently, the owner of the hypnosis studio, the occult like store, previous demonologist and good friend of the woman who was holding the talking circles, is also accountant, and had helped her with our financials.
It really was a circus. I really feel that the marital master was in on it. I have no other explanation for her behavior during the proceedings that went on for two years. How does a family having obvious wealth for years, suddenly become destitute in under 3 months?
Given everything else, how does a court not at least question anything? The entire time that my divorce was going on, the only contact that my husband would have with me was minimal and through email only.
That's because my husband wasn't the person emailing me, The woman was and this was why he wasn't calling me, she obviously couldn't pretend to be my husband over the phone. My husband's mind was completely incapacitated.
My husband believed and wrote in court documents that I had been physically abusive to him and my children for years, I had slept with all of the neighbors – in – every – neighborhood – we – had ever -– lived – in, that I had been using him for years for his money, that I would frequently lock my children out of our home and I was negligent etc.
None of this made any sense until I began to realize what had happened to my husband, my soon to be ex husband.
Unfortunately, it would take me a long time to conduct hard research and establish what had actually happened to my husband's mind.
This meant tracking, screen capturing and watching everything that the woman and her side kick dirty old man were posting online and for many, many months because my husband wasn't the only person or family they did this to come to find out much later.
This is where it gets even more outlandish.
Both the woman and the grubby, dirty old man belong to a “secret medicine society” and in native American culture they are called; “Midewiwin”.
A Midewiwin is a medicine man skilled specifically with the properties and use of toxic plants and they are considered the most feared of all types of medicine men, due to their abilities. If you look online and google “Midewiwin” you will almost immediately read that Midewiwin is a religion, but you have to dig deep and talk to elder native Americans to find any real, reliable information about Midewiwin because it is "highly guarded information".
The fact that these two people belonged to this secret medicine society and were both "Midewiwin” were intentionally hid by them routinely from their co-workers, friends, etc. They tried very hard to hide this fact for a long time and at some points on social media they would even outright deny that they were. One must ask the question why?, Why were they hiding this fact?
Due to my research, I could prove without question that they were members, why are they denying it? Midewiwin can and do terrible, terrible things to people. But, the woman and the grubby old man hid that they were Midewiwin and instead wanted people to believe that they were full of peace and honor, full of love and I quote; "have respect for all people and living things".
That's why they were constantly boasting about their native American 7 grandfather teachings of love, bravery, honor, respect, truth, wisdom and honesty. Such great qualities for any person to live by right? People who are so full of love, full of respect for people and all living things and are guided by "peace", could never hurt anyone right? Of all people to trust, it should be them right?
They are nothing more than deceitful criminals that use these words to gain the trust and favor of people. The leader of their secret medicine society was also one of the original founders of the American Indian Movement, which was also known as the American Indian Mafia, due to their organized crime involvement and tactics.
Their leader is dead now. He croaked on or about November 30, 2020. after years of prison, embezzlement, murder, rape and just a lot of criminality. Anyway, prior to his departure from this earth, he had a strong, yet hidden hatred for white people.
Well, not so hidden. The motto of the American Indian Movement was as follows:
“Pledged to fight White Man's injustice to Indians, his oppression, persecution, discrimination and malfeasance in the handling of Indian Affairs. No area in North America is too remote when trouble impends for Indians. AIM shall be there to help the Native People regain human rights and achieve restitution and restorations”.
Additionally, in everything negative about the earth that the man would write on FB, he always included “the whites were the cause and were destroying it”.
Yet, he would switch his tune in public interviews to reflect a loving, peaceful man, living in honor and caring of all people no matter what color they were or who they were.
Throughout the years he had built himself a very large network of what he called his “chiefs”. Among his broader network of Chiefs, were a select few who were targeting wealthy people and basically poisoning them with certain toxic plants; herbs and tobacco.
On FB in messages, he would instruct his chiefs, who are living in many different states, what to do and he would say that it was in the name of all of the injustices and genocide of native Americans by the whites. And, my husband was one of their victims.
The goal for them was to get quiet revenge on whites and to take their wealth and split up among it's active members.
However, during all of my extensive research, I found out that they were also using their poison on kids in at risk youth facilities and on targeted college kids. One of these truly sad stories is included in my book
(No One Would Believe) in the chapter titled "Death On a Mountain".
This too, like what happened to my husband, also happened in NH and just like with my husband, the Midewiwin were involved too.
The poison they use is derived from a toxic plant that causes hallucinations, delirium, elevated body temperature, intestinal issues – green, slimy sludge feces - vocal cord paralysis, dilated eyes, and its effects on the human brain remove the ability to record anything and in repeated doses, it directly causes permanent memory loss, organic brain damage.
If this poison is administered one time and in a fairly small dose, the victim's mind would be incapacitated, he would have no memory of what happened while they were drugged, and the victim is easily manipulated (they literally do as they are told) and they lack the ability to realize that they are drugged. Additionally, the victim would outwardly appear “normal” and would generally recover within 3 or 4 days without suffering any permanent issues.
If however, this poison is administered repeatedly and before each dose is allowed to process out of the body of the victim, the victim would then suffer memory loss, lack the ability to realize that something is wrong, can be manipulated to do anything or … could die.
What these reprobates were and are to this day doing, is using a very old Native American Algonquin tradition, but using it to commit crimes.
The Algonquin medicine men (Midewiwin) have a ritual / ceremony of taking the strongest young men in their tribe, locking them in a cage from 21 to 30 days and they would feed them “Wysoccan”, which was the same poison that they are using in the crimes they commit today.
The purpose in their tribe was to erase the memories of the young men, and to rebuild their minds through hypnosis, in effort to make them fearless warriors unafraid of death.

The young men would be returned to the tribe, after what they called "A Rite of Passage", not even remembering their name or even who their own mother was. These reprobates had used this poison previously for crimes and for revenge, when in the 1920's and 1930's they were hunted down by the U.S. Government and the Canadian Government and were put to death, and some who weren't, were put into asylums.
“It appeared as if they could steal the souls from people while they were still alive so as to purposely cause insanity or death”.
People were being abducted by these medicine men and if or when family members found them, the person that was abducted was a completely different person. They were completely unrecognizable by their family and the abducted family member would not even remember their own family.
Not recognizing their own family, they would refuse to go back home or acknowledge that anything happened to them. and would choose to stay among the tribe who had abducted them.
It was quite profound and it scared people.
In 1978 and with the passage of The American Indian Religious Freedom Act, these reprobates were now able to openly practice their crimes against people undetected and under the disguise of "ceremonies".
They called their poisonous herbs and tobacco; “sacred”, knowing that most people in our society would never know what their “sacred” plants were or what they were capable of.
Their history of being feared, murdered and put into asylums was all but forgotten. The problem is today, if you tell a judge or the police that your husband, wife or other family member was poisoned with toxic plants that can steal your mind, so the
This is the reason:
Because back in the day, people in society were afraid at what these medicine men were doing and how they were doing it.
This is historically documented: “It appeared as if they could steal the souls from people while they were still alive so as to purposely cause insanity or death”.
People were being abducted by these medicine men and if or when family members found them, the person that was abducted was a completely different person. They were completely unrecognizable by their family and the abducted family member would not even remember their own family. Not recognizing their own family, they would refuse to go back home or acknowledge that anything happened to them. and would choose to stay among the tribe who had abducted them.
It was quite profound and it scared people.
In 1978 and with the passage of The American Indian Religious Freedom Act, these reprobates were now able to openly practice their crimes against people undetected and under the disguise of "ceremonies". They called their poisonous herbs and tobacco; “sacred”, knowing that most people in our society would never know what their “sacred” plants were or what they were capable of.
Their history of being feared, murdered and put into asylums was all but forgotten. The problem is today, if you tell a judge or the police that your husband, wife or other family member was poisoned with toxic plants that can steal your mind, so the criminals could steal your money, they would ignorantly laugh and brush it off like you were crazy.
In my case the marital master decided that I was simply “Looking for closure" and "looking to justify why my husband left", as she ignorantly announced to the court room. The marital master literally said with a laugh and I quote; " There is no plant on earth like that, that exists”.
I guess when you are a marital master, you are automatically qualified as a pharmacist, a botanist, a scientist or a chemist, maybe even a medicine man?
How was she qualified to make that judgement?
I personally believe that if I was a woman who was left by her husband for another woman, especially given that it was so sudden, and if my kids and I were left homeless, no money, no car etc. I'm pretty sure I would have been pissed, I would have likely been vindictive, I would have fought like hell for my rightful share of the split in our divorce, and that includes the money.
Instead I spent the better of the two years in court, fighting to get help for my husband (even before it became a divorce), trying to clear my name from false police reports, I did not fight for anything in the divorce, even when I did have a lawyer in the beginning. I'm pretty sure that if I felt that my husband had actually done this to me, when I finally saw the woman he was with, I would have done my best to make this woman miserable.
Why on earth would I make up such an elaborate story instead of just sucking it up and accepting that he quickly met someone, cheated on me and moved in with her? It would have been 100 times easier, trust me. My focus was on getting help for my husband, which went ignored repeatedly by people who could have helped.
A lot of my information came from information that the woman and her dirty, fat, old side kick were posting online, and some of it came from native American elders and from an actual Peruvian Shaman over 3200 miles away and who wrote a statement for me to give to the court, but would not be accepted either.
So, what exactly are these "Herbs and Tobacco?" The plants or "Sacred herbs" these criminal use contain “Tropane Alkaloids” and come from the following plants: Angel's Trumpet, Jimson weed, Atropa Belladonna and Mandrake.
They mix it with “Asemaa” (native American tobacco) stuff it into a pipe, tell the victim its “Sacred tobacco” and puff, puff away you ignorantly go.
Other times, they have it in a tincture or liquid form and can spike your drink without you knowing.
The poison is odorless, colorless and tasteless and causes green, slimy feces.
And this is how I believe my husband was drugged; in his drink. He used to carry a Brisk Iced tea with him to his clients. Everyday, he'd have his portfolio bag with his lap top, computer tools and his brisk iced tea.
It only takes 10 – 15 minutes for the poison to kick in. This explains why I received the calls on our answering machine at the time when I did, and the vocal paralysis, as he left messages of labored breathing and vocal noises, but no speech.
It also explains the slime green sludge he was shitting, the hallucinations and the odd statements he was vocalizing, but not remembering.
I did not realize, because my husband appeared normal to me, as in he wasn't stumbling around, slurring his words etc., I had no idea at the time that he had been drugged and his mind was incapacitated. He seemed for the most part normal but was exhibiting signs that I would not have known to look for or expect would have indicated that he had been poisoned; strange statements, loss of memory, hallucinations, green sludge shit.
They poisoned my husband on May 20, 2009 and continued to keep him poisoned (poisoning him repeatedly) for four weeks until they were able to get him to leave, which was when the angel told him he had to.
They were brain washing him (hypnosis) that I was a terrible person who beat him and the kids for years, that I had been cheating on him with the neighbors, I was using him for his money all these years, and he needed to leave to be in a healthy relationship and environment (the woman) and that he and his wife had been planning on a divorce for some time.
Once he left, he was staying with the woman who kept the poison in his system and bringing him to the Hypnosis studio for re-programming and that's why he didn't immediately recognize my youngest daughter and me and why he got into a fighting stance against his own daughter.
They were programming him to hate us or more specifically; me, they had to, to get him to leave. And that's where all the false accusations against me came from. They implanted them and then began filing false police reports to try and substantiate their storyline and build up a terrible picture of me.
At one point, my younger kids and I saw my husband in the parking lot in Concord where TJ Max is on Loudon Rd. with the Grubby old Midewiwin.
**The Grubby old Midewiwin was taking possession of my husbands guns (my husband had an entire collection).
In the parking lot you could see my husband handing his own guns, one by one to the grubby Midewiwin who was placing them in his own trunk.
My husband would NEVER do this.
What I learned through my research is that once a victims mind is initially incapacitated and they start under-going the brain washing / reprogramming, they become very depressed. They become deeply depressed, because they internally experience their life to be very different from all that they knew.
Of course, none of its true, its information that they are being fed. You see, the memory loss the victim goes through is rapid. Therefore, the victim begins to confabulate much like a person with Alzheimer does; they make up memories to fill in their gaps of memory, and they believe their new memories with conviction.
Except here, the victim is intentionally losing his memory and his memories are intentionally be replaced with lies, and the victim will believe his new memories with conviction. And, the victim is guided to and will obey to "hand over" many things, including their MONEY.
If like me and you end up in court, if the victim himself is saying nothing is wrong, appears normal, and appears that he's making his own decisions, there really is nothing you can do.
Prove it. Prove that there is something wrong. You can't.
How, if no one cares or will take you seriously enough to even look at any of your evidence?
That's why they get away with it over and over again. If you aren't able to convince a judge that a plant capable of this exists, how the hell do you convince them of everything else?
You can't and you can't even offer evidence to support your facts, its shut down right out of the gate, it doesn't exist, and none of this matters!!
To be fair, this wasn't a criminal case being tried in court, it was a divorce and so the marital master proceeded as a divorce would. But, the problem here is that you have someone (me) trying desperately to get help.
I had even gone to her for help before my husband even filed for divorce due to his bizarre behavior, and before I even knew about this woman. So, no I did not need closure a year later during the proceedings or a reason why he left, I needed help for my husband. I then went to a lawyer to get him help to no avail and finally the police, to no avail.
No one would help.
> This drug is used in Colombia and is called 'Devil's Breath". There are over 5000 cases per month in Colombia when this poison is used to rape and rob victims because it incapacitates the victims mind, they have no memory of being drugged and the victim lacks the capacity to realize they are drugged.
Typically these victims wake up 3 or 4 days later on a park bench, in a parking garage etc. having empty bank accounts and no memory at all of what happened.
> Poor women in Segovia used to find wealthy men, seduce them and use the poison in a drink, and each day would put small amounts of the poison in their coffee to keep them.
> This poisoned has been started to be used as currency on the streets of NY.
> This poison is used in Russia for untraceable murder.
> There is a hospital in Massachusetts that advocates for rape victims who have been specifically drugged with this poison.
> It is being used in the U.S. to steal wealth. But according to an ignorant person who could have helped anytime during two years: it just doesn't exist. In fact, a doctor at the Massachusetts hospital told me to ask the judge for and to insist on a comprehensive toxicology drug screen to include specific tropane alkaloids, and for an MRI on my husbands brain.
But, according to the marital just doesn't exist.
Apparently, the brain damage would show up on an MRI. But, she (marital master) refused.
This poison and its use for crime is really not a secret. It's just not well known by most people.
To date; 2022, I have not spoken to my now ex husband since June 20, 2009 the day he left.
His memory of our family, of our marriage and of me specifically, is severely skewed, many he doesn't even remember at all according to our older children and other family members.
From what I am told, he is no longer the God loving, church going person he used to be, and 11 years after our divorce was finalized, he still bad mouths me, still makes false accusations against me and still believes everything horrible that he says about me and will argue with anyone who knows better or denies it. He's like an Alzheimer's patient clinging on to memories that are not real.
One cannot “Co-Parent” with a person who you can't speak with or who constantly ignores you, your calls, your emails or text messages. It was a huge problem when he had visitation with our younger children because he would share his new memories with them, call me names to them and eventually it severely interfered with he and his kids having any relationship at all. I would receive arbitrary emails every now and then from his email address that stated he was going to with hold his child support, yada yada yada. And he would or she would.
But, his child support payments were out of my hands and in the hands of child support services who eventually had him arrested for not paying. But, that was just something else he could use to bad mouth me to our kids; he called and told our kids that I had him arrested, not understanding that it had nothing to do with me. At that point I had given up on child support anyway, I had written it off.
My now ex husband would have nothing to do with our son specifically, for months on end, and then all of a sudden I would get an email filled with more accusations about me being a horrible parent and person. Then a year would go by, he would have nothing to do with our son all year long. I would again receive an email with bunch more of ridiculous accusations and I would be told that I was intentionally keeping him (my now ex husband) “out of the loop”.
I would always tell my kids that no matter what, they should see their father and maintain a relationship with him, because he is their father. But, my ex husband would destroy the very thing that I was trying to keep in tact and salvage; his relationship with our kids. He was destroying it himself, yet blaming me.
He would tell the kids (and still does) that I purposely fill their heads with lies and that I keep them from him, despite that I was doing the opposite; I would defend him and urge the kids to see him and or call him. The toll it all took on all of our children is beyond measure.
That's all I am willing to say about that.
The second part to this story (no, it doesn't end here) can be found in my book
"No One Would Believe It in a chapter titled "Backed Into A Corner".
You really wouldn't believe how far these animals would go. Also, in the same book, in chapter titled **"Death On a Mountain", the same animals strike again.
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