Sunday, April 10, 2022

UFO's visit us from time to time

It was the summer of  2019 and during a time span of about two weeks, my security cameras were catching anomalies in the sky, although I insist they are something else, due to my past experiences 
More on my past experiences in "No One Would Believe It"

In the image below, an oval object can be see within the clouds, and the object has rectangle lights around it. 

During this week, while tending to my garden, I began to notice strange things around my house that did not make any sense.

I have a very small back yard. In fact, its really not even a back yard, there is a small patio with just enough room for two chairs and a grill before the "yard" drops off. It's a very high drop off. 

But to be precise, there is also a set of 3 cement stairs from the side yard that lead to a small path to get to that patio area. So, it was kind of odd to find foot prints just off that tiny path and near the back door to my basement, because we don't go back there, unless we need to turn on the hose. 

But, there they were, footprints in the mud and foot prints right up to my basement door. To me, they looked like human foot prints. The door is locked, we never use that door because I refuse to go into the basement due to the former tenants things that have been here since February 2018. It's just gross down there.

It was so obvious that someone or something was poking around my yard, that my son started coming outside with me, or I would bring a hammer for a weapon with me, when I would go out to tend to my garden. 

Then, my security cameras picked something lit up at night in the next photo that was standing approximately 15 feet from the window, standing in my side yard. If you previously read about my other UFO encounters, it shouldn't be a surprise. 

But, what struck me even more was the birds the following day.
I have never seen anything like this before, so, I showed my son, my mom and I sent the pics to one of my adult daughters. 

The birds would fly by the windows, stop and they were suspended in mid air. It was rather profound and I'll admit, a bit disturbing. How can that happen right? It makes no sense. 

But, there they were just suspended in the air. 

When I looked closer to the pictures, I noticed something in one of the pictures in the back ground and in the sky. I decided to go back and check all of the cameras and I found at least two of my cameras had caught something in the sky as well and at the same time that the birds were suspended.

The following week, we received a letter in the mail addressed to "The (my last name) Family". The envelope had no return address on it, and it had a mail stamp that it was sent from Boston, Mass.  

Inside the envelope was a white piece of paper folded in three, and inside the white piece of folded paper was a $1.00 bill that was literally folded many times into a tiny square. The letter said the following:

"Don't worry (and my last name) family, things will
get better".

What the hell does that even mean? Is it some kind of warning, some kind of threat I thought.

The following day, I notice a green sedan parked on my lawn by my garage. I go out with my cell phone and I take a picture of the license plate, and I realize that there is a man with a shaved head and dark sunglasses sitting in the drivers seat. 

He see's me and that I have my cell phone held up and he decides to get out of his car and walk over to me.

So, I ask him who are you and why are you parked on my lawn? He tells me that he had permission from the police department to be here, in my neighborhood and he is on a "stake out". . 

I swear, no one could make this stuff up. 

The guy then tells me that he will be here for the next few days on his "stake out". He said; "I'll be in my car here in the morning, I will break for lunch and I will be back, he then say's he'll probably be here until around 10 or 11pm!

I didn't care that he was staking someone or something out, but I didn't like the idea that he was parked on my lawn or that he was going to be here for days and for so late, but he told me that he got permission from the local PD and I believed him. He wasn't causing any harm that I could see, and I sure as hell have nothing to hide, so I allowed him to stay. 

The guy was here that first day until about 7pm and he didn't return that night. The following day, he showed up at about 6am and left at 11am. He never returned. 

Having a strange feeling, I asked the police if they gave this guy permission to be in my neighborhood and they said absolutely not, and they had no idea who this guy was, and told me never to allow that again and to call them if it happened again. 

The next several days, my cameras caught some unusual images that none of us can explain.



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